Margot van den Berg

Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS

(2015 to present)
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS

Linguists of the UiL OTS research group 'Language structure: variation and change' at Utrecht University focus on language variation, language change and language emergence.

Instituut ter Bevordering van de Surinamistiek

(2007 to 2018)

The Instituut ter Bevordering van de Surinamistiek aims to support and promote research on Suriname, the Surinamese languages and cultures and its history, via a journal, OSO. Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caribisch gebied, and a book series, Bronnen voor de studie van Suriname. I was on the editorial board of OSO. In 2012 I organized the annual IBS colloquium 'Taal Tori: Kultura den Boka' together with drs. Guiselle Starink-Martha.

Ewe Contact Research Group

(2010 to present)

Collaboration on outcomes of contact with Ewe and other languages of Ghana and Togo. The core members are dr. Evershed Amuzu (University of Ghana, Legon) and Komlan Essizewa (Universite de Lome). We presented our work at various conferences and workshops, including SPCL and the Linguistics Association of Ghana (

Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APiCS)

(2007 to 2013)
Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures Online

The Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (APiCS) brings together the expertise of 88 language experts to provide a systematic comparison of key structural features of 76 creoles, pidgins and mixed languages in the areas of syntax, semantics, morphology, lexicon and phonology. It is accompanied by the three-volume Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages, written by the same team of authors and editors.

Suriname Creole Archive

(2005 to 2015)

I was the coordinator of the Suriname Creole Archive (SUCA), a joint project of the Radboud University Nijmegen, the University of Amsterdam and the Max Planck Institute Nijmegen to collect, catalogue and preserve digitalized historical texts in Sranantongo and Saramaccan for research.

Stemmen van Afrika

(2012 to 2015)

Europa en Afrika hebben een gedeeld verleden en een gemeenschappelijke toekomst. Op deze website worden de stemmen van Afrika voor een Nederlands publiek beschikbaar gemaakt in woord, beeld en geluid.

Virgin Islands Dutch Database (NEHOL)

(2009 to 2013)

Virgin Islands Creole, also known as Negerhollands, the now extinct Creole language of the Virgins Islands, is unique in that there is a rich digitized corpus of historical as well as almost contemporary texts available that hardly have been studied. The NEgerHOLands database (NEHOL) is a CLARIN-NL project that aims to make the Negerhollands texts publicly available via the internet.

Journal of the Pidgin and Creole languages (JPCL)

(2011 to present)
visit the journal's website

I am on the editorial advisory board of the most interesting journal on pidgins, creoles, intertwined languages and other outcomes of language contact.

Radboud Postdoc Network

(2009 to 2013)

From 2009 to 2013 I represented the Radboud Postdoc Network in the University Works Council. The Radboud Postdoc Network (RPN) was founded to promote the interests of researchers and lecturers with temporary appointments at the Radboud University Nijmegen. In the Works Council I focused in particular on career development issues.